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The Fine Food Connoisseur

What happened to that timid little girl who didn’t make a pip, was frightened of her own shadow and shied away from everybody? She became Sofie, a girl determined to have the best time in her life. She discovered that human attention and pats are something to be aspired to. Food is her driving force and her life’s centre is Wolfie. Wherever he goes she goes. Wherever she goes he must follow, heeding her commanding woofs. Happy Sofie, happy family.

Preened For Success

Sofie posing on the lawn
Head shot of Sofie

Wait! Where's the Food?!

Sofie looking in horror at empty plates on kitchen bench.
Close up of Sofie standing in the backyard next to puppy Wolfie .
Sofie peering over the edge of the kitchen benchtop.
A wet Sofie sitting in the back of a car.

Tug of War

Best Game Ever

...with Nicolas

...with Wolfie

Little Miss Bossy Boots

We fell for her in no time.

Close up of Sofie stretched out on a throw and facing the camera.
Sofie sitting up right on a black sofa

Sofie's Picture Book