...my gentle beautiful boy.
My beautiful Jack snuck into my heart when, as a tiny puppy, he was handed over to me at a dinner party. He was three weeks old and I immediately fell in love with him and said, if I could have him I would call him Jack. The rest, as they say, is history. Three weeks later he moved in with me, my other dog, Reo, and the two cats.
The gorgeous and it must also be said, mischievous fluff ball grew into a strapping German Shepherd. I still remember the last time he let himself out through the cat door. He went through it within a few weeks of his arrival, basically house training himself. One day however trying to squeeze through the door he got stuck and needed rescuing. He had become too big without realizing it. He also answered the telephone for us when it rang. Until that is he got tangled up in the cord.
Jack, my protector and friend, you came into my life when I most needed you and will always be in my heart. I miss you but you could not stay. We’ll meet again when my time here on earth is up.
When I was very litle I came to live with Reo (b/w photo).
When I was 4 years old puppy Phoebe came home to stay. Tug of war was our favourite game.
And then there was Tessa (with Zoe the cat). She pulled the funniest faces.